Colour Solutions

Get accurate colors for your photos
or showcase all the colors in your catalogue.

Getting the colors right for your product images is essential for any e-commerce business.
Our Color-Fix solution ensures that you can showcase the products accurately and retain the
natural look, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and minimizing returns.

Our Color Solutions also offers colorways that enable you to showcase all the colors
available in your range without spending time and money on elaborate shoots. Color
Solutions allows you to achieve accurate results and a cost advantage every time.


Get perfect colors, everytime.

Even the most expensive and elaborate shoots do not guarantee that you will capture the exact color of your product in the photos. You must be aware that color mismatch is one of the top reasons for products returns. It does not just affect your business operations, logistics and bottom line but is also detrimental to your brand image.

That is the reason we have created Color-Fix. All you need to do is create the correct color reference codes or upload the right reference image through our easy-to-use interface. The platform allows you to create your own unique color reference library, giving you the convenience, consistency, and efficiency of your future projects.

Color Solutions


Shoot in one colour, we will do the rest.

Colorways is a cost-effective solution for marketers and e-commerce brands, saving time and delivering value for money spent. You can use these images for market research, product testing, and even driving sales of your existing products’ colour variants.

Various studies have shown that a colour mismatch is one of the critical reasons for customer dissatisfaction and returns. Our experienced team of Colorways artists who have spent years perfecting this skill guarantees you perfect results every time. In an ideal scenario, you would want to shoot all your product variants. Colourways allow you to showcase your entire range of products without getting into the hassle of expensive and time-consuming shoots every time.

Color Solutions

Click on the swatches to see Colourways in Action

Our solution ensures you save time and money and deploy your valuable resources to build long-term value for your business.

Use colorways on, group your images and assign one or more reference colors as required while uploading your images. The platform allows you to create your own unique colour reference library, giving you the convenience, consistency, and efficiency for all your future projects.

Once you have uploaded the images and assigned the relevant colour reference, we will process your images as per the selected timelines and deliver them to your inbox.

Give us a Colourway challenge!

Experience Colourways yourself, send us a product image and we will show you the magic of Colourways!

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